by admin on | 2024-12-06 03:57:32
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The author’s trepidation stems from the continued use of brute force to suppress legitimate, lawful dissent and peaceful assemblies in Kenya 14 years after the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya in 2010. Indeed, one of the objectives of the new Constitution was to constrain the arbitrary use of state power to curtail the rights and fundamental freedoms of the citizenry. In the preamble, the Constitution recognizes the aspirations of all Kenyans for a government based on the essential values of human rights, equality, freedom, democracy, social justice and the rule of law. These aspirations are exemplified in Articles 10 (1) and (2) which embody the national values and principles of governance. The Constitution of Kenya has been abused more times in 14 years than the efforts have been made to implement it fully.
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