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Opening remarks by the Dean of Strathmore Law School for the 12th C.B. Madan Awards

by admin on | 2024-12-30 09:06:29 Last Updated by admin on 2025-02-06 12:02:00

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Opening remarks by the Dean of  Strathmore Law School for the  12th C.B. Madan Awards

The Honourable Commissioner Jacqueline Ingutiah, the President of the Law Society of Kenya, Faith Odhiambo, the Chair of the Editorial Board and CEO of The Platform Magazine, the Honourable Gitobu Imanyara (in absentia), our founding Dean, Professor Luis Franceschi, the Deputy Vice Chancellor - Partnerships and Development, Dr. Edward Mungai, our partners from the Platform Magazine led by the editor-in-chief Evans Ogada, our esteemed Partners joining us today, including the Coulson Harney LLP (Bowmans), Anjarwalla & Khanna, KN Law LLP, DLA Piper Africa (IKM Advocates), Muma & Kanjama Advocates, Dentons HHM, Triple OK Law, Nyiha Mukoma & Company Advocates, Ngatia Associates, ENSAfrica Kenya, Musyimi and Company Advocates and our latest partner John Wambugu & Co, our Faculty Members, Parents, Students, and Distinguished Guests… Good afternoon and welcome to the 12th C.B. Madan Awards Ceremony & the C.B. Madan Memorial Lecture, to celebrate constitutionalism, the rule of law, and the outstanding contributions of individuals who have shaped Kenya’s legal landscape. It is a great honour and privilege for me to welcome you today to commemorate this momentous occasion that pays tribute to the life and legacy of former Chief Justice Chunilal B. Madan. C.B. Madan stands as a towering figure in rendering sound and progressive judgments, steadfastly advocating for the independence of the Judiciary, and contributing to justice and legal reforms. He continues to inspire and remind us of the enduring impact one individual can have on the rule of law, and society as a whole. In contemplating the legacy of C.B. Madan, our founding dean, Prof. Luis Franceschi, who will today deliver C.B. Madan Memorial Lecture observed that “heroes are often forgotten and Kenya boasts a multitude of unsung heroes—quiet champions who shape the nation’s history and at times, even prevent its potential collapse.\" The C.B. Madan Award acknowledges these remarkable individuals and recognizes their commendable contribution towards fostering the rule of law, and the cause of constitutionalism in our country. The Award is also a testament to the ideals that we, here at Strathmore Law School, hold dear—particularly integrity, excellence, service to society, life-long learning and collegiality. This year’s recipient of the 12th C.B Madan Award has undoubtedly demonstrated these values through her outstanding work and we are pleased to...Read More  


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